
Welcome to my Busy Kitchen, filled with tasty, simple recipes from around the world.

My philosophy about food is straightforward – it should be delicious and easy to prepare. I don’t claim that the recipes here are the “definitive” versions of dishes; they are “typical” versions that I enjoy cooking and work for me. Oh… and cooking should be fun, shouldn’t it?

Stay a while and browse. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced cook I’m sure you’ll find something you like here.

Whenever I have the time I try to add a new recipe; mostly this will be in the dark months of winter.  I’m too busy gardening the rest of the year!

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Featured Recipes

March 2017

Well I still have some pasta recipes for this month!  I’ll start with my quick, simple and tasty tuna pasta recipe.  I still need to show you the baked rigatoni and the sis kofta…

February 2017

I have a few simple pasta dishes up my sleeve for this month, starting with Bacon and Chard.  I also found some footage on my video camera for recipes I made but never turned into videos.  Keep an eye open for Baked Rigatoni, Chicken and Egg Curry, Al Baik Chicken, and Sis Kofta…

April 2015

Potatoes, potatoes, potatoes! It was all about potatoes, from a quiche which used potato instead of a pastry case, to Kentucky Fried potatoes. Just type “potato” in the search box for this site and feast your eyes upon the delicious potato-ey goodness!

March 2015

In March I made some classic French dishes.  I tackled Beef Bourguignon and Coq au Vin using alcohol-free wine; I made some delicious buckwheat galettes from Brittany, then finished off with some amazing lemon shortbread biscuits called Sablé Breton.  I have a number of French recipes on this site – select “French Cuisine” from the dropdown menu!

February 2015

I made some dishes which included chili peppers as an ingredient, but they were recipes that you wouldn’t normally think of as containing chilis. (Except the superhot chili sauce, of course!) A lasagne with chili, a chili chocolate cake, and even a cheesecake with chilis were on the menu.

January 2015

I presented some delicious recipes from Tunisia. Tunisian cuisine is a fusion of both Mediterranean and desert dwellers’ cooking. Like all Mediterranean countries, Tunisia offers a cuisine based mainly on olive oil, spices, tomatoes, seafood and meat (primarily lamb). Unlike other North African cuisines many of its dishes have a distinctive spicy fieriness. Why not try this delicious Lamb Ragout with Lemon, or tasty Bourghol Bil Allouche, or my favourite, Ojja with Meatballs!

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